NACA4412 wing

Example simulation of a wing

A rectangular wing of aspect ratio AR=6AR=6 with a NACA4412 airfoil is considered. Experiments of such wing were performed by R.M. Pinkerton [1] at different angles of attack. A structured mesh consisting of 1680 elements is used. The mesh is scaled so that the chord of the wing is cref=1c_{ref}=1m and the span bref=6b_{ref}=6m. The freestream velocity is set to Vref=1|\mathbf{V}_{ref}|=1 m/s. The image below shows the pressure coefficient distribution.

The image below shows the pressure coefficient at y/b=0y/b=0 for angle of attack α=0\alpha=0deg. The experimental results from Pinkerton [1] are shown for comparison.

Good agreement between the simulation and the experimental results is observed.

Vortex particle wake

The image below compares a doublet wake and a vortex particle wake. The freestream velocity is Vref=1|\mathbf{V}_{ref}|=1 m/s and the angle of attack is 0 deg. The Rosenhead-Moore and the Gaussian kernels were used to regularize the vortex particles.

As observed from the integrated loads the CL and CD compare favourably between the doublet and the vortex particle wake. The solution is not sensitive to the choice of a regularization kernel.



[1] Pinkerton, R. M. "Calculated and measured pressure distributions over the midspan section of the N.A.C.A 4412 airfoil", 1936

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