Quick start

Download and extract the contents of the latest APM binaries archive and the apm-getting-started.zip archive to a folder called "naca4412_wing". You can create the "naca4412_wing" folder anywhere. In this example the "naca4412_wing" folder is created in "D:\". Once you create the folder open a command prompt window and navigate to the folder.


Type dir and press enter to view the contents of the folder. You should see 4 files.

D:\naca4412_wing> dir
08/08/2021  19:43    <DIR>          .
08/08/2021  19:43    <DIR>          ..
08/08/2021  19:14         1,262,080 apm-preprocessor-1.0.4-windows-amd64.exe
08/08/2021  19:14         1,542,144 apm-solver-1.0.4-windows-amd64.exe
29/03/2020  19:36               310 naca4412_wing.conf
22/03/2019  21:50           273,106 naca4412_wing.stl
               4 File(s)      3,077,640 bytes

Before running the APM Solver or Preprocessor, you need to make sure your licence key is in the working folder of the binary or you have an environmental variable APM_KEY pointing to your licence key. Please refer to the following page explaining how to set up your licence key: https://docs.aviumtechnologies.com/quick-start/set-up-your-licence-key

Type > apm-preprocessor-1.0.4-windows-amd64.exe naca4412_wing.exe and press enter. The APM Prerpocessor will read the mesh and will create a .mdl file. Once the .mdl file is created, type > apm-solver-1.0.4-windows-amd64.exe naca4412_wing.exe and press enter. The APM Solver will read the .mdl file and will solve for the potential flow around the NACA4412 wing. Once the solver finishes you should see the the following files in the "naca4412_wing" folder.

D:\naca4412_wing> dir
08/08/2021  19:48    <DIR>          .
08/08/2021  19:48    <DIR>          ..
08/08/2021  19:14         1,262,080 apm-preprocessor-1.0.4-windows-amd64.exe
08/08/2021  19:14         1,542,144 apm-solver-1.0.4-windows-amd64.exe
08/08/2021  19:48           146,676 naca4412_wing.checkpoint
29/03/2020  19:36               310 naca4412_wing.conf
08/08/2021  19:48             1,435 naca4412_wing.loads
08/08/2021  19:48            53,184 naca4412_wing.mdl
22/03/2019  21:50           273,106 naca4412_wing.stl
08/08/2021  19:48            52,006 naca4412_wing.vtu
08/08/2021  19:48           145,665 naca4412_wing_body_panels_0.vtu
08/08/2021  19:48           145,180 naca4412_wing_body_panels_10.vtu
08/08/2021  19:48           145,168 naca4412_wing_body_panels_15.vtu
08/08/2021  19:48           145,164 naca4412_wing_body_panels_20.vtu
08/08/2021  19:48           145,163 naca4412_wing_body_panels_25.vtu
08/08/2021  19:48           145,166 naca4412_wing_body_panels_30.vtu
08/08/2021  19:48           145,165 naca4412_wing_body_panels_35.vtu
08/08/2021  19:48           145,163 naca4412_wing_body_panels_40.vtu
08/08/2021  19:48           145,166 naca4412_wing_body_panels_45.vtu
08/08/2021  19:48           145,354 naca4412_wing_body_panels_5.vtu
08/08/2021  19:48             4,085 naca4412_wing_wake_panels_0.vtu
08/08/2021  19:48            25,465 naca4412_wing_wake_panels_10.vtu
08/08/2021  19:48            36,594 naca4412_wing_wake_panels_15.vtu
08/08/2021  19:48            47,725 naca4412_wing_wake_panels_20.vtu
08/08/2021  19:48            58,854 naca4412_wing_wake_panels_25.vtu
08/08/2021  19:48            70,093 naca4412_wing_wake_panels_30.vtu
08/08/2021  19:48            81,350 naca4412_wing_wake_panels_35.vtu
08/08/2021  19:48            92,716 naca4412_wing_wake_panels_40.vtu
08/08/2021  19:48           104,380 naca4412_wing_wake_panels_45.vtu
08/08/2021  19:48            14,615 naca4412_wing_wake_panels_5.vtu
              28 File(s)      5,319,172 bytes

If you haven't downloaded ParaView, go to https://www.paraview.org/download/. ParaView is an open-source, multi-platform data analysis and visualization application. Install and open ParaView. Then click on "File->Open" and select the "naca4412_wing_body_panels_..vtu" and "naca4412_wing_wake_panels_..vtu" files. Once you select the files click "Ok".

Once the files are loaded click the apply button located under the properties tab on the left. The wing and the wake will be shown in the visualisation window. You can change which variable is currently displayed by selecting a coloring dropdown value. The image below shows the NACA 4412 wing colored by the pressure coefficient.

Alternatively, you could use the APM Viewer to visualise the results. The APM Viewer opens a .json file containing the results. By default the .json file output is disabled. You need to add the following option to the .conf file to enable .json file output.

json_output = 1

Run the solver again. Once the solver finishes you should have a "naca4412_wing.json" file in the "naca4412_wing" folder. Go to https://apm.aviumtechnologies.com/viewer and click the "Upload your model" button. Select the "naca4412_wing.json" file and click the "Open" button. The image below shows the NACA4412 wing results visualised with the APM Viewer.

Last updated

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