The configuration file
The .conf file contains different options which specify the problem that APM will solve. The contents of an example .conf file are shown below:
The values in the above .conf file are in SI units - m, kg, s. You can use different units as long as they are consistent across the .conf file.
Refer to the table below for a detailed description of each option.
Option | Dimensionality | Description | Default value |
c_ref | Reference chord, used for non-dimensionalisation of the aerodynamic coefficients | 1 | |
b_ref | Reference span, used for non-dimensionalisation of the aerodynamic coefficients | 1 | |
S_ref | Reference area, used for non-dimensionalisation of the aerodynamic coefficients | 1 | |
x_cg, y_cg, z_cg | Location of the centre of gravity | 0 | |
trailing_edge_angle | - | Edges sharper than the trailing edge angle in degrees are identified as trailing edges | 150 |
p_ref | Reference pressure | 101325 | |
rho_ref | Reference density | 1.225 | |
mu_ref | Reference dynamic viscosity | 1.789e-5 | |
norm_V_ref | Reference freestream speed | 1 | |
M_ref | - | Reference Mach number (used for compressibility corrections) | 0 |
alpha, beta | - | Angle of attack and angle of sideslip with respect to the freestream in degrees | 0 |
p, q, r | Roll, pitch, and yaw rates in degrees/sec | 0 | |
dt | Time step | 1 | |
N_timesteps | - | Number of timesteps | 1 |
restart_from_checkpoint | - | Instructs the solver to restart the solution from a checkpoint | 0 |
wake_alignment, wake_angle | - | Specifies how the wake aligns with respect to the trailing edges | 0 |
wake_rollup | - | If disabled the induced velocities from the body on the wake and on the wake iteslf wont be calculated. The wake will be translated with the reference freestream speed. | 1 |
json_output, paraview_output, tecplot_output | - | Enables or disables JSON, ParaView, and Tecplot output | 0 |
extended_output | - | Appends force and moment vector for each panel in the Paraview and Tecplot output files | 0 |
doublet_gradient_scheme | - | Instructs the solver how to calculate the doublet gradient | 0 |
neighbour_tolerance | - | Specifies the neighbour tolerance criteria | 1e-6 |
tip_panels | - | Instructs the solver to label specific panels as type 6 | Empty |
symmetry | - | Enables symmetry across the x-y plane. The solutions 2x faster and the memory requirements are 2x lower. | 0 |
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